Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Is this replica of the Empire State Building Art or Ad?

Kimberly-Clark unveiled a 30 foot replica of the Empire State Building to launch their new product - Scott Naturals Tube-Free. According to the company, the "cardboard-roll Empire State Building" replica represents waste eliminated by product.
Although it is not an art exhibit, but a clever way to advertise, a downsized version of the tube Empire State Building will be donated to the Children's Museum of Manhattan.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

International Building (Rockefeller Center) la casa and Atlas

The ground floor of 630 Fifth Avenue is one of the most dramatic interior spaces in Rockefeller Center. On the exterior, is the Atlas. The 1937 Art Deco sculpture created by Lee Lawrie with the help of Rene Paul Chambellan, depicts the Ancient Greek Titan Atlas holding the heavens.